Товары ТурбонаддувТурбонагнетатели → Турбина 450-850HP Garrett GEN II GTX3582R V-Band 1.01 A/R 856801-5079S
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Фланец: V-Band
Аутлет: V-Band 3"
Производитель: Garrett
Артикул: GEN II GTX3582R V-Band 1.01 A/R 856801-5079S
Наличие: под заказ
Цена: 337500р     312500р Без учета доставки.
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Описание товара:

GARRET GTX3582R GEN 2 с горячей частью V-Band 1.01 A/R

Расчетная Мощность 450 - 850 Л/С
Рабочий объем 2.0L - 4.5L 

TURBO 856801-5079S

Honeywell Garrett, is excited to announce the release of our Gen II GTX Series turbochargers. The GTX3071R, GTX3076R, GTX3576R, as well as the GTX3582R are included in the release. The GTX Gen II line received a major compressor wheel aero update that gives it the ability to produce up to 20% more horsepower than the previous version. You can also get these turbochargers in a Reverse Rotation configuration!

GTX Gen II compressor wheels were designed using proprietary Honeywell computer simulation technology focusing on CFD analysis to optimize the wheel design to reach maximum efficiency and mass flow for each turbocharger. Each GTX Gen II turbocharger has the ability to create more air mass flow, offering enthusiasts a wider range of power output when tuning the vehicle. The 8mm dual ceramic ball bearing cartridge provides optimal turbo response and reliability through its reduction in shaft motion.

The Gen II GTX Series Turbochargers feature a fully-machined compressor inlet, fully-machined compressor outlet, and fully-machined ported shroud.

We also added a brand new compressor housing featuring a high-flowing design matched perfectly for the new compressor wheel upgrade. Gen II compressor housings are not interchangeable with Gen I compressor wheels; however, all Gen II turbochargers are outline interchangeable with the equivalent GT and GTX Gen I products making a turbo swap easy to perform using all existing piping.

The new compressor housings are equipped with a fully machined speed sensor port that accepts the Honeywell Garrett speed sensor (Sold separately). This feature allows tuners to understand existing operating conditions, which is important when fine tuning a turbocharger to its most efficient operating conditions. The speed sensor port comes plugged from the factory and can be removed using a 5mm allen key when ready to install a speed sensor kit.

Available in four sizes: the GTX3071R, GTX3076R, GTX3576R, and GTX3582R Reverse Rotation turbochargers are ideal for twin turbo, V engine applications and for fabricators that want perfect symmetry to be displayed in the engine compartment. The Reverse Rotation turbos can also be used in single turbo applications where packaging is an issue. The compressor wheel spins in a counter-clockwise rotation while the compressor outlet exits air to the left, making its components non-interchangeable with Gen 1 or Gen II standard rotation products.

Featuring the new GTX Series Gen II compressor wheel designed using proprietary Honeywell computer simulation technology. Reverse Rotation turbochargers should be paired with a Gen II Standard Rotation counterpart and are not recommended to be matched with a Gen I turbocharger because the higher horsepower rating could lead to engine or other mechanical failure.

Reverse Rotation turbochargers have specifically designed turbine housings ranging from 0.61, 0.83, and 1.01 A/R and are not compatible with standard rotation housings.

Описание производителя Garrett:


Мировой лидер в турбостроении. Самый крупный поставщик турбокомпрессоров и комплектующих на конвееры автопроизводителей и мастерские энтузиастов.

Цена: 312500 р.
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